Digestive Problems…Calming them down naturally
Digestive Problems and How To Get Them Under Control
How Inflammation Affects Your Body: How to Recognize the Signs
Explore the unexpected benefits of natural and alternative treatments in our latest blog post, "How Inflammation Affects Your Body"
Play Hard, Recover Better: Proactive Health Habits for Weekend Sports
“Play hard or go home.” It’s funny how one of my go-to catch-phrases has taken on a new life since my becoming a chiropractor, especially...
Low Back Pain: Understanding the Causes
For many of us, gone are the days where we can clean the house, go for a walk, play with the kids, play with our pets, or, if we’re being...
What does Posture say about your health?
Posture is the alignment of your spine and body. It is a direct indicator of the quality of someone's health. There are many things...
Movement Keeps Your Body Healthy
Bottom Line: Your body is built to move and the benefits of movement for your body are immeasurable. Moveable parts stay healthy, stuck...
Disc Issues and Chiropractic...a safe and effective treatment strategy
Bottom Line: Disc herniations, bulges, protrusions, and extrusions (oh my!) are some of the most common reasons people visit a...
The Link Between Stress and Headaches
The Bottom Line Are you feeling rushed? Are you dreading a big meeting at work? Do you seem to always feel overwhelmed? Take it from the...
The Surprising Link Between Posture and Depression
Posture can either work for or against us. And not just physically, but mentally as well. Each day we’re learning more and more about...
Improving your posture to Keep Your Spine Healthy
Bottom Line: Spending more time on the couch, at your computer, and on your mobile devices has probably led you to visit Google to search...